
Module day05

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§Doesn’t He Have Intern-Elves For This?

Regular expressions are a good fit for this problem. However in the interest of speed we’ll take a different approach for both parts.

§Part One

Each string consists only of lowercase ASCII characters so the cardinality is 26. We can test for vowels and invalid characters more quickly by converting each character into a bitmask that fits into a i32. For example a becomes 1, b becomes 10 and so on.

To check if a character is a vowel we logically AND against 100000100000100010001 which is “aeiou” converted to a bitmask. Similarly to check for the invalid sequence “ab” we AND against a mask that has b set and notice the previous character is always one less, so we can left shift to reuse the same mask.

§Part Two

We can check for non-overlapping pairs in O(n) complexity by storing the last seen index of each pair in the string. If the difference is more than one, then we know that the pairs are non-overlapping.

Instead of using a HashMap we rely on the fact there at most 26² possible combinations in order to use a fixed size array as an implicit data structure. Using zero as a special starting value gives 27² or 729 possibilities. To avoid having to clear the array for each string, we bump the index by 1000 (any value larger than the length of the string would do). This means that if the difference is greater than the current position in the string we can sure that we haven’t encountered this pair in this particular string before.
