
Module day06

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§Probably a Fire Hazard

This problem is easy to brute force but more challenging to solve efficiently.

To trick to speed things up is to consider rectangles that have the same instructions instead of calculating point by point. Then for each rectangle we apply the instructions only once and multiply by its area.

For example say there is only a single instruction turn on 300,300 through 700,500. This looks a little like:

    │            │
    │   ┌────┐   │
    │   │    │   │
    │   └────┘   │
    │            │

First we compute the x and y intervals:

    x: [0, 300, 701, 1000]
    y: [0, 300, 501, 1000]

The intervals are inclusive, so the interval after the instruction starts 1 higher. Next we break the grid into 3 x 3 = 9 rectangles, much fewer than the 1,000,000 individual elements.

    │ A | B | C │
    │ D │ E │ F │
    │ G | H | I │

For each of these rectangles we store a boolean if the rectangle to the left or above crosses an instruction boundary.

    Left             Up
    ┌───────────┐    ┌───────────┐
    │ T | F | F │    │ T | T | T │
    │...┌───┐...│    │...┌───┐...│
    │ T │ T │ T │    │ F │ T │ F │
    │...└───┘...│    │...└───┘...│
    │ T | F | F │    │ F | T | F │
    └───────────┘    └───────────┘

If there is no boundary then we can re-use the value either from the rectangle to the left or above. For example D is the same as A, B is also the same as A and I is the same as both F and H. This further reduces the different instruction sets to compute.

For my input, there was ~100,000 rectangles but only ~20,000 different instructions regions needed to be computed. This is a 50x reduction from looking at each light individually.


