
Module day12

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§Part One

The utility iter_signed method extracts numbers from surrounding text and is used directly.

§Part Two

We build a tiny custom JSON parser using a parser combinator approach, making some simplifying assumptions:

  • The input is always well formed and does not contain any whitespace.
  • Arrays and objects contain at least one item.
  • We don’t care about the content of strings, only if they equal “red” or not.

Each parsing function returns a Result struct which has 3 fields:

  • next The index of the character after this object. For example parsing “123,” returns a value of 3 for next.
  • ignore: Only true for strings that exactly equals “red”, false otherwise and always false for numbers, arrays and objects.
  • value: For numbers the literal value, for string zero, for arrays the sum of child items, for objects the sum of child items if no “red” property is present, otherwise zero.


