
Module day12

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§Leonardo’s Monorail

This problem is interesting in that the solution is all about reading code not writing code.

We could implement a brute force virtual machine without understanding the underlying code but it’s much more efficient to analyse the code instead.

The first thing we notice is that the following idiom is repeated several times:

    inc x
    dec y
    jnz y -2

This is equivalent to x += y only much less efficient. Replacing this in the code then rewriting the remainder to Rust the program becomes:

    let mut a = 1;
    let mut b = 1;
    let mut c = 0; // 1 in part two
    let d = if c == 0 { 26 } else { 33 };
    for _ in 0..d {
        c = a;
        a += b;
        b = c;
    a += q * r // q and r are the constants on lines 17 and 18.

We can see that the code is calculating the 28th and 35th numbers in the Fibonacci sequence plus some constant offset. We can replace the entire code with a single multiplication. If we had emulated the raw instructions then it would have taken ~10,000,000 iterations to obtain the answer.


  • Extract the constant offset from the assembunny code.
  • 28th Fibonacci number plus some constant.
  • 35th Fibonacci number plus some constant.