
Module day12

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ยงPassage Pathing

Our basic approach is a DFS through the cave system, exploring all possible permutations of the paths and finishing whenever we reach the end cave.

To speed things up, 2 strategies are used, one high level and one low level:

  • Memoization (or caching) of the possible paths from each position, taking into account previously visited caves is the high level strategy to re-use work and save time.
  • Bit Manipulation to store both the graph of cave connections as an adjacency matrix and the list of visited caves compressed into a single u32 is the low level strategy to quickly and efficiently store the small cardinality set of caves.




  • explore ๐Ÿ”’
    Convenience method to create initial state.
  • Parse the input into an adjency matrix of edges compressed into u32 bitfields.
  • Explore the cave system visiting all small caves only once.
  • Explore the cave system visiting a single small cave twice and the other small caves only once.
  • paths ๐Ÿ”’
    Core recursive DFS logic.