
Module day13

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§Transparent Origami

There are 2 possible approaches to tracking the position of dots after each fold:

  • A HashSet that will collapse duplicate entries
  • An array of sufficient dimensions to track every possible coordinate.

We will use both approaches for speed, the first in part 1 and the second in part 2.

For part 2 we can determine the final size of the paper by taking the last x and y coordinates from the fold instructions. It’s then faster and more convenienent to process each point completely and update the final location, than to step through intermediate folds.




  • Fold point at x coordinate, doing nothing if the point is to the left of the fold line.
  • Fold point at y coordinate, doing nothing if the point is above the fold line.
  • Parse the input into collections of Point and Fold structs.
  • Fold once then count dots. The sample data folds along y and my input folded along x testing both possibilities.
  • Decode secret message.