
Module day18

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The key observation is that snailfish numbers represent binary trees.

For example the first four sample numbers on the problem description look like the following in binary tree form:

[1,2]    [[1,2],3]    [9,[8,7]]    [[1,9],[8,5]]
  ■          ■            ■              ■
 / \        / \          / \           /   \
1   2      ■   3        9   ■         ■     ■
          / \              / \       / \   / \
         1   2            8   7     1   9 8   5

The addition rules have an important consequence. Exploding removes two leaf nodes at depth 5 and moves them to neighbouring nodes. Since exploding repeatedly happens before splitting until there are no more values at depth 5 this means that the tree will never exceed a depth of 5.

Each level of a tree can contain up to 2ⁿ nodes, so the maximum size of a snailfish tree is 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 2⁶-1 = 63 nodes.

This means that we can store each snailfish number as an implicit data structure in a fixed size array. This is faster, smaller and more convenient than using a traditional struct with pointers. The root node is stored at index 0. For a node at index i its left child is at index 2i + 1, right child at index 2i + 2 and parent at index i / 2. As leaf nodes are always greater than or equal to zero, -1 is used as a special sentinel value for non-leaf nodes.



  • add 🔒
    Add two snailfish numbers.
  • explode 🔒
    Explode a specific pair identified by an index.
  • magnitude 🔒
    Calculate the magnitude of a snailfish number in place without using recursion.
  • Parse a snailfish number into an implicit binary tree stored in an array.
  • Add all snailfish numbers, reducing to a single magnitude.
  • Find the largest magnitude of any two snailfish numbers, remembering that snailfish addition is not commutative.
  • split 🔒
    Split a node into two child nodes.
  • worker 🔒
    Pair addition is independent so we can parallelize across multiple threads.

Type Aliases§