
Module day13

Expand description

§Distress Signal

One possible approach is to parse the input into a tree, then compare recursively node by node. We’re going to use a much faster and simpler approach by noting an observation about the input data. If the sequence 10 is replaced by any single character greater than 9 then we can compare the 2 packets lexigraphically. We’ll replace all occurences of 10 with A then compare packets character by character.

The rules to compare 2 packets become:

  • If both characters are the same then it’s a draw, move onto the next character in each packet.
  • If the first packet is ] and the second packet anything else, then the first list is shorter so the packets are in order.
  • Conversely if the second packet is ] and the first packet anything else, the packets are not in order.
  • If the first packet is an opening [ and the second character anything else, then we’re comparing a number with a list, so push the second character back onto the list to check again along with a closing ] character.
  • Do a similar push if the second character is an opening [ and the first anything else.
  • Finally compare the 2 characters by value. Since we’ve already covered the equal case, one is guaranteed to be greater or less than the other.



  • compare 🔒
    Compare 2 packets using the rules listed in the module description.
  • Count adjacent pairs of packets that are in order.
  • Find the position of [[2]] and [[6]] in linear O(n) time.