
Module day22

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§Monkey Market

Solves both parts simultaneously, parallelizing the work over multiple threads since each secret number is independent. The process of generating the next secret number is a linear feedback shift register. with a cycle of 2²⁴.

Interestingly this means that with some clever math it’s possible to generate the nth number from any starting secret number with only 24 calculations. Unfortunately this doesn’t help for part two since we need to check every possible price change. However to speed things up we can make several optimizations:

  • First the sequence of 4 prices is converted from -9..9 to a base 19 index of 0..19.
  • Whether a monkey has seen a sequence before and the total bananas for each sequence are stored in an array. This is much faster than a HashMap. Using base 19 gives much better cache locality needing only 130321 elements, for example compared to shifting each new cost by 5 bits and storing in an array of 2²⁰ = 1048675 elements. Multiplication on modern processors is cheap (and several instructions can issue at once) but random memory access is expensive.

A SIMD variant processes 8 hashes at a time, taking about 60% of the time of the scalar version. The bottleneck is that disjoint indices must be written in sequence reducing the amount of work that can be parallelized.




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