//! # I Was Told There Would Be No Math
//! To extract the numbers when parsing the input we use our utility [`iter_unsigned`] and [`chunk`]
//! functions.
//! Sorting the dimensions in ascending order makes calculating the smallest side or smallest
//! perimeter straightforward.
//! [`iter_unsigned`]: crate::util::parse
//! [`chunk`]: crate::util::iter
use crate::util::iter::*;
use crate::util::parse::*;
type Gift = [u32; 3];
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<Gift> {
.map(|chunk| {
let mut gift = chunk;
pub fn part1(input: &[Gift]) -> u32 {
input.iter().map(|[l, w, h]| 2 * (l * w + w * h + h * l) + l * w).sum()
pub fn part2(input: &[Gift]) -> u32 {
input.iter().map(|[l, w, h]| 2 * (l + w) + (l * w * h)).sum()