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//! # Matchsticks
//! While [regular expressions]( may feel like a
//! natural choice, it's much faster and easier to simply treat the input as a stream of raw
//! ASCII `u8` bytes including newlines.
//! For part one we run a small state machine using [`fold`] to keep track of the current and
//! previous characters. If we encounter a hexadecimal escape then four characters become one so the
//! difference increases by three. The sequences `\\` and `\"` both increase the difference by one.
//! Each newline increases the difference by two since every line is enclosed with two quotes.
//! Part two is even more straightforward with no need for statekeeping. Quotes and backslashes
//! need to be escaped so increase the difference by one. As before each newline increases by the
//! difference by two.
//! [`fold`]: Iterator::fold
const NEWLINE: u8 = 10;
const QUOTE: u8 = 34;
const SLASH: u8 = 92;
const ESCAPE: u8 = 120;
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> &str {
pub fn part1(input: &str) -> u32 {
let (_, result) = input.bytes().fold((false, 0), |(flag, count), b| match (flag, b) {
(true, ESCAPE) => (false, count + 3),
(true, _) => (false, count + 1),
(false, SLASH) => (true, count),
(false, NEWLINE) => (false, count + 2),
_ => (false, count),
pub fn part2(input: &str) -> u32 {
.map(|b| match b {
_ => 0,