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//! # Alchemical Reduction
//! ## Part One
//! This problem is similar to checking if a parentheses expression is balanced or not.
//! We use a similar approach, maintaining a stack of unreacted polymer units. Each unit from the
//! polymer is compared to the head of the stack using bitwise logic. Lowercase and uppercase ASCII
//! codes for the same lettter are always are 32 apart, which can be checked very quickly using
//! bitwise XOR. For example:
//! ```none
//! A = 65 = 01000001
//! a = 97 = 01100001
//! A ^ a = 32 = 00100000
//! ```
//! If two units are the same type but opposite polarity then they are popped from the stack.
//! ## Part Two
//! An important optimization is to use the already reacted polymer from part one. This is
//! approximately 20% of the size of the raw input. Then this smaller polymer is filtered
//! further for each of the 26 kinds of unit.
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
pub fn part1(input: &[u8]) -> usize {
pub fn part2(input: &[u8]) -> usize {
.map(|kind| collapse(input.iter().copied().filter(|&b| b | 32 != kind)).len())
fn collapse(polymer: impl Iterator<Item = u8>) -> Vec<u8> {
// It's faster to keep the head of the stack in a dedicated variable. 0 is used as a special
// sentinel kind to indicate an empty stack as it will never match with any unit kind.
let mut head = 0;
let mut stack = Vec::with_capacity(10_000);
for unit in polymer {
// Uppercase and lowercase ASCII are always 32 apart.
if head ^ unit == 32 {
// The head reacts with the unit to annihilate each other so replace with the next unit
// from the stack.
head = stack.pop().unwrap_or(0);
} else {
// Don't push sentinel values.
if head != 0 {
head = unit;
if head != 0 {