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//! # Oxygen System
//! [Breadth first search]( is the simplest
//! path finding algorithm and is suitable when the cost of moving between locations is identical.
//! [This excellent blog](
//! has more detail on the various path finding algorithms that come in handy during Advent of Code.
//! The tricky part is determining the shape of the maze. If we assume the maze consists only of
//! corridors of width one and has no loops or rooms, then we can use the simple
//! [wall follower](
//! algorithm to eventually trace our way through the entire maze back to the starting point.
use super::intcode::*;
use crate::util::hash::*;
use crate::util::parse::*;
use crate::util::point::*;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
type Input = (FastSet<Point>, Point);
/// Build the shape of the maze using the right-hand version of the wall following algorithm.
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Input {
let code: Vec<_> = input.iter_signed().collect();
let mut computer = Computer::new(&code);
let mut first = true;
let mut direction = UP;
let mut position = ORIGIN;
let mut oxygen_system = ORIGIN;
let mut visited = FastSet::new();
loop {
direction = if first { direction.clockwise() } else { direction.counter_clockwise() };
match direction {
UP => computer.input(1),
DOWN => computer.input(2),
LEFT => computer.input(3),
RIGHT => computer.input(4),
_ => unreachable!(),
match {
State::Output(0) => first = false,
State::Output(result) => {
first = true;
position += direction;
if result == 2 {
oxygen_system = position;
if position == ORIGIN {
_ => unreachable!(),
(visited, oxygen_system)
/// BFS from the starting point until we find the oxygen system.
pub fn part1(input: &Input) -> i32 {
let (mut maze, oxygen_system) = input.clone();
let mut todo = VecDeque::from([(ORIGIN, 0)]);
while let Some((point, cost)) = todo.pop_front() {
if point == oxygen_system {
return cost;
for movement in ORTHOGONAL {
let next_point = point + movement;
if maze.contains(&next_point) {
todo.push_back((next_point, cost + 1));
/// BFS from the oxygen system to all points in the maze.
pub fn part2(input: &Input) -> i32 {
let (mut maze, oxygen_system) = input.clone();
let mut todo = VecDeque::from([(oxygen_system, 0)]);
let mut minutes = 0;
while let Some((point, cost)) = todo.pop_front() {
minutes = minutes.max(cost);
for movement in ORTHOGONAL {
let next_point = point + movement;
if maze.contains(&next_point) {
todo.push_back((next_point, cost + 1));