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//! # Crab Cups
//! The cups form a [singly linked list](
//! For performance instead of using pointers, we store the cups in a `vec` where an element
//! at index `i` stores the index of the next cup. For example `cup[1]` points to the first cup
//! after cup one and `cup[cup[1]]` points to second cup after cup one.
//! Notes:
//! * One million is approximately 2²⁰ so the closest integer size that fits is `u32`.
//! Using `u32` instead of `usize` increases speed due to better cache locality.
//! * Cups use one based indexing so the vec is one longer than the number of cups and the zeroth
//! index is unused.
use crate::util::parse::*;
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<u32> {
input.trim().bytes().map(|b| b.to_decimal() as u32).collect()
pub fn part1(input: &[u32]) -> u32 {
let start = input[0] as usize;
let mut current = start;
let mut cups = vec![0; 10];
// Link the 9 input cups, wrappping around to the start.
for &next in &input[1..] {
cups[current] = next;
current = next as usize;
cups[current] = start as u32;
play(&mut cups, start, 100);
(0..8).fold((0, 1), |(acc, i), _| (10 * acc + cups[i], cups[i] as usize)).0
pub fn part2(input: &[u32]) -> usize {
let start = input[0] as usize;
let mut current = start;
let mut cups: Vec<_> = (1..1_000_002).collect();
// Link the 9 input cups, continuing to the extra elements.
for &next in &input[1..] {
cups[current] = next;
current = next as usize;
cups[current] = 10;
// Wrap around to the start
cups[1_000_000] = start as u32;
play(&mut cups, start, 10_000_000);
let first = cups[1] as usize;
let second = cups[first] as usize;
first * second
fn play(cups: &mut [u32], mut current: usize, rounds: usize) {
for _ in 0..rounds {
// Pickup three cups (a, b, c)
let a = cups[current] as usize;
let b = cups[a] as usize;
let c = cups[b] as usize;
// Calculate destination
let mut dest = if current > 1 { current - 1 } else { cups.len() - 1 };
while dest == a || dest == b || dest == c {
dest = if dest > 1 { dest - 1 } else { cups.len() - 1 };
// Link current cup to the fourth cup after the three cups that have just been picked up.
cups[current] = cups[c];
current = cups[c] as usize;
// Insert the three picked up cups into their new location
cups[c] = cups[dest];
cups[dest] = a as u32;