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//! # Syntax Scoring
//! This day is a variation of the classic parentheses balancing problem. To solve we use a `vec`
//! as a stack, pushing opening delimiters onto the stack, then popping the top of the stack
//! whenever we encounter a closing delimiter. If there is a mismatch between opening and closing
//! delimiters then we return the specified error value immediately.
//! For part 2 the completion score is the remaining items on the stack, reversed and converted from
//! corresponding closing delimiters. For example the completion string `])}>` would have a stack
//! that looks like `<{([`, where the right hand side is the top of the stack.
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<&[u8]> {
pub fn part1(input: &[&[u8]]) -> u64 {
let mut stack = Vec::new();
let mut score = 0;
for line in input {
score += syntax_score(line, &mut stack);
pub fn part2(input: &[&[u8]]) -> u64 {
let mut stack = Vec::new();
let mut scores = Vec::new();
for line in input {
if syntax_score(line, &mut stack) == 0 {
scores[scores.len() / 2]
fn syntax_score(line: &[u8], stack: &mut Vec<u8>) -> u64 {
for &b in line {
match b {
b'(' | b'[' | b'{' | b'<' => stack.push(b),
b')' => {
if stack.pop().unwrap() != b'(' {
return 3;
b']' => {
if stack.pop().unwrap() != b'[' {
return 57;
b'}' => {
if stack.pop().unwrap() != b'{' {
return 1197;
b'>' => {
if stack.pop().unwrap() != b'<' {
return 25137;
_ => unreachable!(),
fn autocomplete_score(stack: &[u8]) -> u64 {
fn helper(b: u8) -> u64 {
match b {
b'(' => 1,
b'[' => 2,
b'{' => 3,
b'<' => 4,
_ => unreachable!(),
stack.iter().rev().fold(0, |acc, &b| 5 * acc + helper(b))