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//! # No Space Left On Device
//! Some up-front analysis of the input data helps us develop an efficient solving algorithm (this
//! is a regular theme in Advent of Code!). Looking at the directory commands shows 2 key insights:
//! * We never return to a previously visited directory
//! * Directory traversal is only up or down in steps of one.
//! This allows us to infer:
//! * `$ ls` lines contain no useful information and can be ignored.
//! * `dir foo` lines also contain no useful information and can be ignored.
//! * Only the size in `12345` file listings is useful.
//! * `cd foo` commands imply a "down" direction, but the name is not needed and can be ignored.
//! * `cd ..` commands imply that we are finished with the current directory.
//! For my input data this meant that 58% of it was unnecessary! Our algorithm will be:
//! * If we encounter a file listing then add its size to the current running total.
//! * Create a `vec` to function as a stack of incomplete directories. Anytime we encounter a
//! `cd foo` command, then we push the size of the current directory to this stack to save for
//! later, then reset our running total to 0.
//! * Create a second `vec` to store the sizes of completed directories. Anytime we encounter
//! a `cd ..` then we can "complete" the current directory and add its size to this list. To find
//! our new running total we then pop the previous unfinished directory off the stack
//! (and this is the neat part) *add* the size of the just completed directory, since we know
//! that it must have been a child of the directory at the top of the stack.
//! Note that the end of the file is essentially an sequence of implicit `cd ..` commands
//! all the way to the root. Another nice side effect is that the root directory is always the
//! last element in our `vec`.
//! For example, the sample input reduces to essentially only:
//! `down 14848514 8504156 down 29116 2557 62596 down 584 up up down 4060174 8033020 5626152 7214296 [implicit up up]`
//! This means that the algorithm is extremely efficient and the data structures are very
//! straightforward. For example there's no need to store the current path names, or to recursively
//! update upwards whenever a file is encountered.
use crate::util::parse::*;
/// Tokenize the input and return a `vec` of directory sizes.
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<u32> {
let mut cd = false;
let mut total = 0;
let mut stack = Vec::new();
let mut sizes = Vec::new();
for token in input.split_ascii_whitespace() {
if cd {
if token == ".." {
total += stack.pop().unwrap();
} else {
total = 0;
cd = false;
} else if token == "cd" {
cd = true;
} else if token.as_bytes()[0].is_ascii_digit() {
total += token.unsigned::<u32>();
while !stack.is_empty() {
total += stack.pop().unwrap();
/// Sum all directories 100,000 bytes or less.
pub fn part1(input: &[u32]) -> u32 {
input.iter().filter(|&&x| x <= 100_000).sum()
/// Find the smallest directory that can be deleted to free up the necessary space.
pub fn part2(input: &[u32]) -> u32 {
let root = input.last().unwrap();
let needed = 30_000_000 - (70_000_000 - root);
*input.iter().filter(|&&x| x >= needed).min().unwrap()