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//! # Rope Bridge
//! This solution relies on the [`Point`] utility class. Two dimensional problems are common in
//! Advent of Code, so having a decent `Point` (or `Coord` or `Pos`) class in your back pocket
//! is handy.
use crate::util::parse::*;
use crate::util::point::*;
type Pair = (Point, i32);
type Input = ([i32; 4], Vec<Pair>);
/// Converts input lines into a pair of [`Point`] and integer amount, to indicate direction and
/// magnitude respectively. Then determines the maximum extent of the head so that we can allocate
/// a two dimensional grid.
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Input {
let first = input.bytes().filter(u8::is_ascii_alphabetic).map(Point::from);
let second = input.iter_signed::<i32>();
let pairs =;
// Determine maximum extents
let mut x1 = i32::MAX;
let mut y1 = i32::MAX;
let mut x2 = i32::MIN;
let mut y2 = i32::MIN;
let mut point = ORIGIN;
for &(step, amount) in &pairs {
point += step * amount;
x1 = x1.min(point.x);
y1 = y1.min(point.y);
x2 = x2.max(point.x);
y2 = y2.max(point.y);
([x1, y1, x2, y2], pairs)
/// Simulate a rope length of 2
pub fn part1(input: &Input) -> u32 {
/// Simulate a rope length of 10
pub fn part2(input: &Input) -> u32 {
/// Simulates a rope of arbitrary length.
/// The head knot always moves according the instructions from the problem input. Remaining knots
/// move according to their delta from the head (2nd knot) or the previous knot
/// (3rd and subsequent knots).
/// Using const generics for the rope length allows the compiler to optimize the loop and speeds
/// things up by about 40%.
fn simulate<const N: usize>(input: &Input) -> u32 {
let ([x1, y1, x2, y2], pairs) = input;
let width = x2 - x1 + 1;
let height = y2 - y1 + 1;
let start = Point::new(-x1, -y1);
let mut distinct = 0;
let mut rope = [start; N];
let mut grid = vec![false; (width * height) as usize];
for &(step, amount) in pairs {
for _ in 0..amount {
rope[0] += step;
for i in 1..N {
if !apart(rope[i - 1], rope[i]) {
rope[i] += rope[i - 1].signum(rope[i]);
let tail = rope[N - 1];
let index = (width * tail.y + tail.x) as usize;
if !grid[index] {
grid[index] = true;
distinct += 1;
/// Two knots are considered "apart" if the they are not diagonally adjacent, that is the absolute
/// distance in either x or y axes is greater than 1.
fn apart(a: Point, b: Point) -> bool {
(a.x - b.x).abs() > 1 || (a.y - b.y).abs() > 1