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//! # Hill Climbing Algorithm
//! Pretty much textbook implementation of a BFS (Breadth First Search). If you're not familar with
//! BFS, [this blog post is a great introduction](
//! to the algorithm, plus some others that come in handy for Advent of Code.
//! Implementation notes:
//! * A [`VecDeque`] of [`Point`] is used to store the frontier as it gives better performance
//! than [`vec`] when used as a FIFO queue.
//! * [`Grid`] is used to store both the height information and visited nodes.
//! For Part 2 we could search for all `a` locations and repeatedly start a BFS search from there,
//! then find the lowest value. However a much faster approach is to search *backwards* from the
//! end location. Due the the fact that BFS always explores closest nodes first this will find the
//! closest `a` location in a single search. For part 1 it will have the same result, so we
//! can re-use the same code.
//! [`Grid`]: crate::util::grid
//! [`Point`]: crate::util::point
use crate::util::grid::*;
use crate::util::point::*;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
type Input = (Grid<u8>, Point);
/// Uses the utility [`Grid`] class to parse a 2D array of ASCII characters.
/// [`Grid`]: crate::util::grid
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Input {
let grid = Grid::parse(input);
let start = grid.find(b'E');
(grid, start.unwrap())
/// Find the shortest path from `E` to `S`
pub fn part1(input: &Input) -> u32 {
bfs(input, b'S')
/// Find the shortest path from `E` to closest `a`
pub fn part2(input: &Input) -> u32 {
bfs(input, b'a')
/// BFS algorithm implementation with the reversed height transition rules baked in.
fn bfs(input: &Input, end: u8) -> u32 {
let (grid, start) = input;
let mut todo = VecDeque::from([(*start, 0)]);
let mut visited = grid.same_size_with(false);
while let Some((point, cost)) = todo.pop_front() {
if grid[point] == end {
return cost;
for next in ORTHOGONAL.iter().map(|&x| x + point) {
if grid.contains(next)
&& !visited[next]
&& height(grid, point) - height(grid, next) <= 1
todo.push_back((next, cost + 1));
visited[next] = true;
/// Map `S` to `a` and `E` to `z`, otherwise use the value unchanged.
fn height(grid: &Grid<u8>, point: Point) -> i32 {
match grid[point] {
b'S' => 'a' as i32,
b'E' => 'z' as i32,
b => b as i32,